So, last week Amanda decides that she wants to try-out for a volleyball team and brought home the flyer from school. Tonight is tryouts...first we get there and realize that there are a bizillion girls there (okay, not quite that many, but at least 60-70 for 7th & 8th grade). Next we get her registered....I thought this was going to be a "for fun" team sponsored by the high school....no, it's a select team/volleyball league. What on earth are we getting into??? So we get her number, send her on her way into the gym with the other girls and then I go and listen to the informational session for the parents. They should have sent the information with the flyer for tryouts so you'd know what to expect. Anyway.....if she is one of the 20 girls from each grade (2 teams of 10 per grade)- it will cost $350.00, they will practice two nights a week, have 7-8 weekend tournaments before the end of April, yada yada ya....This kinda thing is all new to me...she played soccer for a church league that cost $30.00 and volleyball for school 1 year, which was also about $30. Nothing hard core....just playing for fun. I was not expecting to be getting into this....however, after I contemplated on pulling her out and marching home, I decided that she needed to follow through. I thought...if she makes it- Great! She needs to be involved in a sport and we'll just go for it. And if she doesn't make it....it will be a good experience for her to have tried out for something, knowing that she gave it her all, and to experience the disappointment. So anyway....now we wait....they will be calling the girls by Friday for those that have been selected. By the end of the week, we'll have either one very disappointed girl or one very excited girl with parents about to go broke..LOL! I'll keep you posted.
you need to talk to Jen about Select teams...the boys are all on them!! Keeps her very busy on the weekends.
Paula, at 4:03 PM
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